The Design Process
Step by Step Process
Step 1
After filling out a contact form at the bottom of the page, we will then confirm the next available date for a design consultation. This is when you will be asked to fill out the "Basic Design Info Form" and "Design Preferences Form."
Step 2
After a date is agreed upon, we will meet with you at your home for a walk through of the property. This is where we will brainstorm ideas and discuss what you’re looking for in your design. If an agreement is made, detailed measurements will be taken at this time.
Step 3
Within 1-2 weeks, a 3D design will be created using the design ideas from the sit-down and preferences specific to you. The 3D renderings will include both day and night time views of your brand new design from multiple angles in your yard.
Step 4
After your design is provided to you, minor edits can be made if needed. Any questions about the design will be answered and we will always try to help you along the process as much as possible.
*Pricing depends on the detail and customization of your project design*
Project Examples
Pergola Project: Completed
Pool Deck Project: Completed
Full Backyard Rendering Example
Please fill out the contact form below and wait for an email confirmation back.
Design Consultation Forms
Shaping a design specific to you relies on the amount of information we have that will help us along the way. The more information you can provide, the more customized your project will be to your preferences.
Below you will find two forms that will help us tailor a design specifically for you.